Changes, Changes, Must We Change … ?

Of course we must, but this is good stuff !!  😉  More new content on in the Commercial Gallery, where I’ve added two new articles. Also, this Blog now has a signup form for a new email Newsletter I will be developing over the next few months. To signup you must be at the AEI Blog site (and not just looking at the feed on ArtistsEyeImages website). A shortcut URL to get here is . Anyway, you must display the Sidebar, by clicking on the 3 bars next to the Blog title (“Artist’s Eye Images”) at the top of the page. This will activate the Sidebar and the signup form will be at the top of it. Fill out the form with your email address, and I’ve promised you’ll get a free gift, and a newsletter via email. This will be kind of experimental at first,while I figure out what works best, and what content people are interested in. So be a pioneer and sign up !  — Later, SJ